Mediums used: Acrylic, Liquidex pouring medium and silicone oil
Illustrated below is the fourth to the acrylic pour series, the painting is characterised by a systemic-esc appearance given the organic nature in which the paint lies, creating fluid patterns engulfed with a sfumato rendering. I found using varied angles, pivoting the canvas, and blowing onto the acrylic allowed further kineticist characteristics to be displayed within the piece. I found most success in creating cells from orally blowing over the canvas.
Acrylic pour cells come in a multitude of shapes and sizes. They can form naturally, or they can be artificially coaxed from within a painting by using additives, exposing the paint to small amounts of heat, or by layering paints with different densities and textures. Creating cells can add additional depth and character to your paint pour artwork. The addition of the cells reinstate a sense of organic altitude.
Overall I am quite pleased with the final composition, the acrylic did not coagulate with the silicone and the pour was a success, emanating a smooth texture aboard the canvas. The colour scheme of the piece works quite well, using oranges, crimson, rose, black and gold to render a statement. I am so pleased to have seen the development of cells make debut over my work, resulting in further automatism systemic patterning to unfold.