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'Blessed Be.'

'Blessed Be.' A hamsa hand adorned by various symbols of blessing and protection. The centre of the hamsa acts as a space of congregation, a space to expel positivity and nourishment to the soul. The hamsa a protective talisman brings good fortune, health and happiness. A deflection of the evil eye, and the potency of fragmented behaviours and apparitions. The centre of the hand shows a sigil portraying blessing, accompanied by a lotus flower, a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. The characteristics proposed by the lotus flower convey an accurate analogy for the human condition;

'Even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower.'

The lotus offers a token of optimism in elements of the most intensive altitudes, no matter what ailment or "problem" conjures, the lotus shuns all negativity and instead embodies acceptance. Lastly, the eye of providence depicts an open eye, intertwined amongst the petals of the lotus, the eye referring to the divine providence whereby the voice of which you believe in will bestow guidance upon your path. The outer perimeter of the design is embellished by the carving of a sigil, the incantation reads;

'We are left alone, have our freedom, and are rid of negativity forever.'

I found the printing process to be somewhat difficult given the amount of un-carved linoleum exposed. Regardless of how much ink was distributed across the linoleum there were still areas in which the ink hadn't picked up, resulting in a sparser print. annoyingly the ink would not distribute evenly over the exposed linoleum but settle into the small grooves instead. I had attempted pressing the print further by hand and using the base of a pint glass to act as a baron to aid the ink blotting issue, unfortunately to no avail... However I had realised I could use my finger to smudge the background in order to eradicate the sparse imprints made over the board. I was mildly concerned that the oils distributed from my fingers may impact the printing ink during the drying process ie. oil smears over the inked surface. Fortunately the prints have been unaffected by the oils of my fingers, resulting in a perfectly matte finish.

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